Friday, May 31, 2013

We spent 2 days in Turgutreis (named after an Ottoman naval commander who was killed in the famous siege of Malta in 1565!) getting the boat ready to go sailing. Great cafes and restaurants, lovely pool/showers etc and an excellent fridge engineer who seems to have got our fridge operating much more efficiently. It was running almost continuously and the cooling pipes were getting almost too hot to touch! We've had engineers in Lymington, Brittany, Malta and the yard in Bodrum look at it - the answer has always been simply too much gas or too little gas but still the problem persisted. Lets hope this time its solved. Because of that we stayed a day longer than intended but probably a good thing since we managed to get a few more jobs done and we left feeling the boat was quite organised. Also, Monday when we set off turned out to be an almost perfect sailing day. We'd planned just to have a short sail to a lovely bay only a few miles north (the ancient city of Myndus) but conditions were so good (10 to 12 knots on the beam - perfect!) we just kept sailing and had a wonderful afternoon's sail (only disturbed by having to alter course for a gulet and again to thread our way through the profusion of fish farm cages near the coast). So today, as we're ahead of schedule, and as we're anchored in a lovely little bay, we're relaxing! Off to Didim we hope for tonight so we can visit Didyma (famous for the temple to Apollo (the largest Ionic temple in the world apparently and its oracle) then continuing north towards Kusadasi where Geoff and Shirley are due to arrive Saturday and we plan to visit Ephesus before sailing south again towards Bodrum. Will report again next week on how it goes. Have a good week. All the best Helen and Iain

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